With Jesus to the Cross, Year C
On the night before he died, Jesus made this promise to his disciples: “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:31-32).
With Jesus to the Cross makes it easy to dive into the Lenten Sunday Mass readings. Gather a small group weekly to discuss them, or consider the thought-provoking questions on your own. This guide includes everything you need to lead a small group as a facilitator or to follow the study as an individual (Available through Word Among Us).
The Church teaches us that God speaks to us through his word: “In the sacred books, the Father who is in heaven meets His children with great love and speaks with them” (Dei Verbum, 21). Prepare to hear from the Lord this Lent and to fully experience the joy of the resurrection this Easter!
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Table of Contents
How to Use This Small Group Guide
Weekly Reflections
First Sunday of Lent: Hope in the Desert
Second Sunday of Lent: Listening to God
Third Sunday of Lent: The Fruit of Freedom
Fourth Sunday of Lent: Embracing Forgiveness
Fifth Sunday of Lent: Press On toward the Goal
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Jesus, Remember Me
Easter Sunday: Encounter the Risen Lord
Appendices for Participants
Appendix A: Small Group Discussion Guide
Appendix B: A Guide to Reading Scripture, Spiritual Teachers, and the Saints
Appendix C: Learning to Listen to God
Appendix D: The Forgiveness Process
Appendix E: A Guide to the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Appendices for Facilitators
Appendix F: The Role of a Facilitator
Appendix G: A Guide for Each Session of With Jesus to the Cross: Year C
Appendix H: Leading Prayer and “Connection to the Cross This Week”
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The Evangelical Catholic
Transformed: The Gift and Challenge of the Eucharist